Original Fly Fishing Art by AD Maddox


AD Maddox Studios
114 N B Street, Livingston, MT 59047

Call or text for appointment: 307-699-3912

Original fly fishing art & limited edition prints by world-renowned fly fishing artist AD Maddox

Memorializing the spiritual moments of life.

AD Maddox at Art Gallery Opening

She’s a Ducati riding, Wyoming roaming, fly fishing girl born in Tennessee… and she’s the world’s most well-known and respected Fly Fishing Artist. A.D. has been featured in many issues of Gray’s Sporting JournalAmerican AnglerBig Sky JournalThe Contemporary SportsmanWild on the Fly and has done work for major outdoor companies such as Patagonia and many other online publications. In the words of Fly Fishing Central’s Paul Schmur, “Take a very creative lady, some oil on canvas, and a high speed Ducati and what do you get? You get AD Maddox, and a very colorful and innovative form of art.”

Fly fishing art enthusiasts world-wide have more than likely seen or own her work in their home. A.D.’s original fly fishing art is available now online. Originals, prints, paper and canvas giclées are all available through her new online store. A.D.’s mixed-medium art captures the life and color of fly fishing in a way that grabs the attention of any passer-by, whether they are a fly fisher or not. Why is this? A.D., an avid fly fisher herself says, “I love to build something that moves me. I’m challenged by the simplicity of one subject as my main focus and trout is my most recent passion. During my hours fishing, time disappears. I am experiencing a bit of heaven. I love living those moments and want to put them in my art. I feel I was put here to fish and paint.”

AD Maddox News

Playground closing soon 😂🤘
#ducati #ducatiusa

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Stretching Belgian linen on the Tensador. I`ve been using this machine for over a decade. 18 new ones ready for paint 😍💪
#admaddoxart #admaddoxstudios #stretchingcanvas

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And so it begins! Stretching Belgian linen over the weekend and still picking the Rockstars for the Secluded Water Series 2025 line up. 😅🤘 #productiontime #artistslife #admaddoxart #admaddoxstudios ...

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Fall play days 😂🤘 ...

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On the Cutts with @secludedwater 😍🤘

#admaddoxart #secludedwater #flyfishing

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Lunkerville @secludedwater ...

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Outtakes. Our selection process.
Always an adventure with Lee! Thank you @secludedwater

#flyfishing #admaddoxart #secludedwater

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Secluded Water. Catching the big boys with Lee 😍🤘 ...

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Riding season is short. Carpe Diem 😍🤘 ...

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Check out www.admaddox.com for new fly fishing artfly fishing art printsgiclees, merchandise and updates.